Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Summer vacation is officially over and I had my first day of class yesterday. I didn't finish any of the items on my vacation "to do" list, but I've got three of them started & should hopefully finish up this week since I've still got time off from work.

As for class, ugg! It sucked. Apparently I still hate math after all of these years. My class is three hours long and barely keeps my attention; math is so boring! If anyone knows any tips/tricks to make listening to a math lecture less boring, PLEASE let me know. Also, the teacher assigned like a billion problems for homework already & I have no clue about fractions, which apparently I should already know. Any tips about adding/subtracting/multiplying/dividing fractions would also be helpful! Or just a link to where I can find help.

The other class I was taking, psychology, is now out...there was some kind of mix up with the registration office & now I'm on a waitlist; we'll see how that goes, but I don't have hope.


1 comment:

Paula Gardner said...

Hello! It's not like your sister isn't practically a math genius She's only a phone call away.

In the meantime, here's a link to get you started. Click Here for Math Help Adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing fractions are all listed under fractions in the drop down box.