Monday, September 22, 2008

Classes Start Today!

Sorry for the long hiatus; I've been on break from classes. The new quarter starts today & up first is Anatomy & Physiology. This is a lab class, so I'm super excited about that and can't wait to keep you posted on how my stomach handles dissection. I haven't been good in the past, so I'm hoping I can get past my fear of touching slimy, smelly dead things. I'm also hoping to incoporporate photos into my blog, so it should be a bit more interesting this time around.

As for last quarter, I ended well. I'm not sure what my grade was on the final exam, but I passed the class and am ready to move on to intermediate algebra...which I start on Saturday.

That's it for now, I should have something posted about the first day of class soon!


Meg said...

Exciting! I can't wait to hear how your first day is!

no one no where said...

Welcome back to the temple of knowledge, and good luck with the slimy, smelly, dead things!

Becky Hartman said...

So as for slimy, smelly dead things, I get to do a sheep brain, a spinal cord, and a chicken leg!