Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Anatomy & Physiology Day 1

After finishing my first day of anatomy, all I have to say is that this quarter is going to be intense...but fun! My teacher seems really awesome, and I've never heard someone who can make complicated concepts seem so simple, in such a short amount of time. No kidding, she explained all types of chemical bonding in about 5 minutes, and I've got a better grasp on them now,than I ever did during the whole 2 weeks my biology prof. spent talking about them. On the down side, we don't get to do very many dissection labs, but the ones we do get to do should be fun...and very slimy! We're doing a sheep brain, a spinal cord, and a chicken leg. Good times!


Anonymous said...

Gross....I hate slimy dead things...good luck!

no one no where said...

Have fun in math tomorrow! (somehow that sentence just seems wrong...)

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you're going to work with gross, slippery dead things! It's good for us to know a little about what's going on under the pretty parts!

Next time I see you tell me some juicy details before I get drunk!